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3 Ways to Upgrade the Office Bathroom

3 Ways to Upgrade the Office Bathroom

3 Ways to Upgrade the Office Bathroom

If there is one place that every employee visits on a daily basis, it’s the bathroom. We’re not in there for long, but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be comfortable!

Perry Office Plus has everything you need to take your teams bathroom breaks to the next level, and here are # ways that we recommend upgrading the experience:

1. Reduce Odor

Bathrooms are notoriously not the best smelling places in the office, and there’s nothing wrong with that! What’s important is that you are doing what you can to help minimize that smell.

We suggest two things to tackle smells.

  1. Consistent odor control. The best way to tackle unpleasant odors is with constant diligence, but unless you have a bathroom attendant, we suggest something like a TimeMist System or a stick-and-forget air freshener or something you keep set on top of the toilets. Remember, these items usually last 30 days before needing a refill!
  2. Spray air fresheners. Sometimes, you need a little extra something to keep the bathroom smelling fresh. Make sure you keep the bathroom stocked with some aerosol spray that can be grabbed and used when needed! We offer name brands like Glade, Air Wick, and Febreze, and more!

2. Offer Some Luxuries

We’ve all done it. Something throws off your morning routine and it’s not until you’re in your car on the way to work that you realize… you forgot to brush your teeth!

Or maybe it’s been a stressful day and you can feel the stress sweat creeping up, or you ate your lunch and got something stuck between your teeth, or the dry winter weather has sucked all the moisture from your skin.

All this is to say, help your team out! Having grab-and-go travel-sized items for those days when something inevitably goes wrong: toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, floss, hairspray, lotion, feminine hygiene products – just having these options available shows your team that you care about them and want them to be comfortable at work!

(And yes, most of these are for both the male and the female bathrooms!)

3. Get a Shelf

And now that you’ve got your team set up with odor-fighting tools and a grab-and-go station, you need somewhere to put those items, so let’s match you with a shelf!

Take a look at your space and decide whether you have room to keep the shelf in a general area of the bathroom, or if you have a small space like ours, you can put it in the handicap stall.

It’s also a handy place to keep backup stock of toilet paper, towels, and soap so that no one is left in a pinch should something run out in the dispensers.

If a shelf this style isn’t quite your speed, we think that a small wire shelf or three-tier cart can also work great.

Make the Change!

Shop perryop.com or contact our live customer support team to start upgrading your bathroom today!

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