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Make Your Brand STICK: 5 Reasons to Use Custom Decals & Stickers

Make Your Brand STICK: 5 Reasons to Use Custom Decals & Stickers

Make Your Brand STICK: 5 Reasons to Use Custom Decals & Stickers

As with most promotional products, the goal is to get your brand out into the world, but with the right eye for design, decals and stickers can become an item that is seen by countless eyes via car windows, water bottles, notebooks, and phones!

From matte to metallic to domed; from small enough to decorate a keyboard to big enough to wrap a keg, the options are just about endless.

So, why consider decals and stickers for your next marketing campaign?

1. They’re Affordable

Decals and stickers are a relatively low-cost product, especially given how much ROI they give, however, they are an item that is best purchased in bulk. We like to recommend a minimum of 500 pieces, which is when the price per sticker become more reasonable, but this, of course, varies with sticker size and any special additions that might come with it.

And ordering sticker sheets gives more wiggle room, since they cost more, but you can get 5-10 stickers per sheet.

In addition, since they’re so lightweight, you have no fear about shipping costs being the thing that puts you over budget!

2. They’re Versatile

Decals and stickers are versatile in two ways:

1) People put them on almost anything – their cars, the laptops they bring to the local coffee shop, their phone cases which they have on them 24/7, their big water bottles that show off the things they love – if they like the design or the brand, they’re bound to put it somewhere visible.

2) Do you know how many different types of decals and stickers are available? Custom shapes and sizes, glow in the dark, holographic, sticker sheets, wood stickers, stickers specifically for tech, stickers on rolls, transfer decals, vinyl, transparent… the possibilities are almost endless! This means you can find what works best for your brand and run with it.

3. They Promote Brand Endorsement

No matter how much marketing and promotion a business does, nothing will ever bean word-of-mouth advertising. People trust their friends and family the most when looking for new brands. Seeing someone you trust with a custom sticker from a brand opens the door for conversation, and even seeing strangers boasting your brand boosts awareness and makes an impression in peoples minds.

4. They Have Staying Power

Due to being, you know, stuck on things, stickers and decals are a more permanent form of advertising. They’re timeless when designed properly, and as long as they continue to travel or be placed somewhere out in the open, they’ll continue to be seen over, and over, and over again!

They also continually keep your brand fresh in the minds of your current customers, making them think, “Oh yeah, I should check out _____ again!”

This means that even when you are not actively marketing your brand, your brand is still being marketed.

5. They’re Fun!

Seriously, who doesn’t love stickers? They might not be for everyone, but even if you’re not a “sticker person,” it’s hard to pass up a stylish sticker being handed to you, especially at events or as a bonus with your purchase.

The exciting thing about handing out stickers is that there is no telling what creative ways your customers will put your stickers to use!

Ready to “Seal” the Deal?

Interested in sticker options and a quote? Need some ideas? Already know exactly what you need? Reach out to our Print & Promotional Specialist at promos@perryop.com to get started on your custom sticker order today, or browse PromosByPerry.com for our full online catalog of brandable items!

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