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How to Create the Perfect First Aid Kit for Your Workplace

How to Create the Perfect First Aid Kit for Your Workplace

Being prepared for medical emergencies, whether they are minor or major, helps ensure that your workplace stays safe. When purchasing a premade one or putting together your own, here are some tips on what to consider.

1. Make sure you meet OSHA/ANSI standards

Your kit should be compliant with ANSI X308.1-2015 standards. Even if you think you’ll never need some of the items included, you can never be too safe when taking your employees safety into consideration.

2. Determine the right type and number of kits

For on-the-go staff and various worksites, portable kits are convenient. For an office or central location, consider a wall-mounted kit. When deciding where to place your first aid kit(s), a good rule of thumb is that they should be no more than one minute from any spot in the workplace. Depending on the size of your team, you may consider getting multiple kits to guarantee everyone will have access to what they need when they need it.

3. Designate someone to monitor the kit

As little accidents happen, from papercuts to minor burns, or time passes and items expire, your kit will need to be topped off. Unfortunately, while convenient, first aid kit refill services can cost you up to 30% more in overstock and waste. To avoid this, designate someone on your team to occasionally check the inventory of the kit(s), dispose of expired items, and reorder supplies as needed.

You can find a variety of ready-made kits, refills, and supplies at perryop.com.

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