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7 Displays to Make Your Brand's Booth Bigger and Better

7 Displays to Make Your Brand's Booth Bigger and Better

7 Displays to Make Your Brand's Booth Bigger and Better


From trade shows and vendor fairs to recruitment and community events, chances are, no matter what industry you are in, your brand will likely make an appearance at some point.

Get the most out of each event by making sure your brand is recognizable at your booth, even from a distance. We've selected 7 items that can help your booth stand out!


Table Covers

If you can only get ONE thing for your booth, a branded table cover should be your go-to. They're affordable, lightweight, and easy to hop from event to event with you! Putting your logo on a table cover makes sure visitors immediately know who they're working with.


Pop-Up Tent

And if you can only get TWO things for your booth, a custom pop-up tent should be your second choice! Not only will they keep you shaded during outdoor events, but they'll make it so your booth can be seen from far away, indoor or out!

Bonus: Add Walls / Backdrop

If you've got some wiggle room in your budget, tent walls (available as half or full walls) are a great way to add extra branding, dimension, professionalism, and/or photo ops to your booth!


Retractable Banners

Available in a variety of styles, retractable banners give you the opportunity to display a lot of information or compelling photos in a portable and quick-to-setup package! These are by far the most popular banner stands for events due to their ease of use, size, and versatility to fit whatever look your brand needs.



A-Frames are time-tested marketing tools for businesses to attract attention, but there is one thing in particular that makes them extra great… the ability to change out your message! When you purchase your first A-Frame you'll get your two-sided artwork to go with it, but at any time in the future, whether you're rebranding or want to share a different message for different events, you can get replacement signs to slide into your frame!


Light Boxes

Watch your brand really shine at events and trade shows when you add life, color, and illumination to your booth. Light boxes can be mounted on walls or a frame to fit your needs and are sure to stand out at indoor events or, even better, outdoor nighttime events!



While not quite applicable to every brand or event, custom inflatables are highly visible, grab attention, and are memorable and fun! From hosting an arch at a 5K to turning your mascot or product into an oversized photo op, custom inflatables may be the way to go if your goal is to stand out!

Learn more about how custom inflatables can EXPAND brand awareness on another one of our blog posts.



If you want to attract more people to your booth, you need something to draw them in, and what better way than with a game (and prizes!) Cornhole, plinko, spin-the-wheel, golf putt - consider what kind of activities your target audience would be interested in, and encourage them to have some fun at your booth!


Ready to Stand Out?

Our Print & Promotional Specialist is happy to help you pick out the perfect display items to make your booth bigger and better! Browse PromosByPerry.com or reach out to us at promos@perryop.com to get started on your next project.

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